Generalization techniques for points, lines and areas


Figure 3: Hover cursor over graphic to view the results of feature elimination (Data source: Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission).


Simplification and smoothing

Figure 4: Hover cursor over graphic to view the results of polygon simplification and line smoothing.



Figure 5: Hover cursor over graphic to view the results of feature displacement.



Figure 6: Hover cursor over second graphic to view the striking differences in spatial patterns based on different classification methods applied to data in first graphic.


Exaggeration and enhancement

Figure 7: Hover cursor over graphic to view the results of enhancing and exaggerating line and polygon features.



Figure 8: Hover cursor over graphic to view the results of aggregating point and polygon features.



Figure 9: Hover cursor over graphic to view the results of collapsing features.



Figure 10: Hover cursor over graphic to view the results of refining a (left) digitized running track and (right) hydrographic network.



Figure 11: Hover cursor over first graphic to view the results of typification using 50% of the original points. The heat maps illustrate that the point density pattern is largely the same before and after typification (Data source: Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission).